Storage for Medical Supply Rooms: Custom Organization

Efficient medical organization is imperative.

Storage for Medical Supply Rooms Custom Organization

Healthcare facility design continues to evolve. The evolution of design focuses on providing higher levels of comfort, ambience and amenities to patients, visitors and employees. Though facility design changes, one thing has not changed in the medical sphere: the need to stock and store thousands of items required to support a healthcare facility’s daily operations.

Nurses and healthcare employees work tirelessly to save lives, care for debilitated patients and make a difference. In such a fast-paced and often stressful work environment, efficient organization is imperative.

Medical Supply Room Storage Solutions

Though medical supply rooms differ between healthcare facilities, every supply room should be organized, orderly and methodical. Supplies should be easy to locate and access; restocking should be logical and smooth. Furthermore, good storage solutions will maximize available floor space – nurses, doctors and staff should walk in, locate what he or she needs and return to caring for patients.

Why is supply room organization so crucial? As mentioned, organized storage for medical supply rooms eliminates stress in a stressful, fast-paced work atmosphere. Organization allows for easy replenishing. Finally, organization promotes a healthy environment for medical staff, allowing physicians, nurses and support staff to provide the best patient care with the best outcomes.

Below, we explore multiple healthcare storage solutions that keep medical equipment organized while being secure, efficient and space-saving. In the intricate world of client care, these custom storage solutions allow medical professionals to focus on what they do best – helping ailing individuals.

Times-2™ Concept: Rotating Storage Cabinet

The Times-2™ rotary cabinet is designed to be versatile, compact and flexible enough to store a variety of different shapes and sizes. Times-2™ often replaces traditional lateral files, saving and dividing space while providing exceptional accessibility. Accessible from both sides, the Times-2™ offers double the storage capacity of a traditional filing shelf, ultimately maximizing storage space while providing more room to move. The Times-2™ rotary shelving system is ideal for storing items such as:

DVDs and CDs
Office supplies
Coats and personal items

Quik-Lok Concept

Quik-Lok Shelving is highly customizable, according to the required needs of a specific medical supply room. This shelving concept is aesthetically customizable, durable and flexible – but is extraordinarily simple to assemble. Quik-Lok requires no braces, hardware or tools. Though simple to construct, Quik-Lok shelving can be delivered in a plethora of standard sizes, colors and styles. If the standard does not efficiently complement your medical supply room, Aurora Storage readily collects custom-sized weights and heights, allowing for true design flexibility. Every Quik-Lok shelving unit is manufactured with 40% recycled steel and coated with an eco-friendly powder, safe for documents and any other stored items.

Wire Shelving Concept

Wire shelving is a familiar storage concept. High-quality wire shelving is versatile for any medical supply room layout or storage requirements. At Aurora Storage®, our wire shelves are easy to install – only a mallet is required to construct the shelving system. Furthermore, wire shelving is widely praised for its strength and durability. Though perhaps not as aesthetically pleasing as the previously discussed storage solutions, wire shelving can handle weight up to 600- 800 lbs. If faced with a heavy load, wire storage racks may be the ideal solution.

Aurora Storage’s wire shelving is National Sanitation Foundation Approved, available in a variety of depths, heights and lengths for unique storage solutions. Aurora Storage also provides specialized healthcare units, excellent for storage of sheets, blankets, gowns, medication, bandages, catheters, suture packs, transfusion sets, antiseptics, and gloves.

Mobile Shelving Concept

mobile shelving
accommodates a wide range of medical supply room needs, including file and medication storage. What makes mobile, high-density shelving attractive for healthcare facilities? As the system’s name implies, mobile shelving units can move – back and forth or side to side – on a simple rail system. Ultimately, mobile shelving allows for greater storage capacity in less space.

Aurora Storage designed mobile shelving to combat the serious issues disorganized supply rooms provoke, from safety hazards and productivity loss to frustration and stress among staff. The shelving promotes organization, safety and staff morale and productivity. Like every Aurora Storage system, high-density shelving is built carefully with no volatile organic compounds harmful to the environment or valuable stored items, such as patient information.

Museum Cabinet Concept

Healthcare personnel should not be wary of this
system’s title. Museum
are simply designed to store important items in a
safe, secure system, often utilized in museums storing aged, priceless, and
historical objects. However, museum cabinets serve as excellent storage for
medical supply rooms as well. This concept is excellent for securing narcotics,
hospital equipment, confidential files, and other highly important “artifacts.”

Aurora Storage

At Aurora Storage, our team understands the importance of organized, highly functional storage systems in the realm of healthcare. When lives are on the line, storage that is organized, secure and accessible is the best medicine. This is why we provide unique storage solutions to support the various requirements of an entire facility. Beyond custom organization capabilities, our storage solutions feature:

Reliable structure
Eco-friendly finish with eco-safe powder
Superior product engineering
Exceptional fit & finish
Extensive breadth of size & color
Anti-microbial finish options
A limited lifetime warranty

We have had the honor of working with a wide variety
of well-known healthcare associations, including Walter Reed Army Medical
Center, Bethesda Naval Medical Center, Albany Medical Center, Blue Cross Blue
Shield, American Medical Association, Mayo Clinical, Brigham Medical Library,
and more. We are consistently taken aback by the good each client is doing and
are honored to assist in the efficiency of their space and storage – creating
healthy environments.

To inquire further about our healthcare storage solutions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team today at (800) 277-1699 or via our online contact form. We look forward to working alongside your healthcare facility, your unique story and providing a secure storage solution.